Become a member

Why join the Fair Circularity Initiative?

The Fair Circularity Initiative is expanding as new companies join. As part of the initiative you can help to create an ecosystem to implement the Fair Circularity Principles – impacting global waste and recycling value chains and influencing policy and public narrative.

Membership requires companies to actively engage with the Fair Circularity Initiative mission and vision outlined in our FCI Strategy.  

Members commit to annual reporting on progress – see our Reporting requirements for more information.   


The Fair Circularity Initiative is seeking new company members who:

  • have publicly expressed a commitment to implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in their operations and full value chain
  • have made ambitious public commitments on recycling and reduction of virgin plastic, for example by signing up to the EMF global commitment or equivalent, or through their own public goals and targets
  • have strong alignment with the mission and vision of the Fair Circularity Initiative strategy 
  • are ready to make a public commitment to advance and adopt the Fair Circularity Principles in value chains in collaboration with waste picker organisations, report on progress annually and encourage others to join the Fair Circularity Initiative

All corporate members commit to: 

  • advance and adopt the Fair Circularity Principles in company operations and value chains, in collaboration with waste picker organisations
  • report on progress annually
  • encourage others to join the Fair Circularity Initiative

Application process

Please contact us indicating that you are interested in applying to become a member using our Register Interest submission form. If we think your organisation could be eligible for membership our team will be in touch to discuss the opportunity with you further.

Register Interest

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Fair Circularity Initiative we would like to hear from you.

Register Interest